Sunday, December 7, 2014

Breaking Clean II - The Pacific Northwest

Harvey Broom Sierra Club, Knoxville, TN
Hello everyone!

As the fall semester comes to a close, we are looking to the future, and that future will hopefully entail another Breaking Clean Tour!!!!

We are starting the preparations now with our sights set on the Pacific Northwest to do a month and a half long multi-city tour. Unlike the last tour, where we hit many locations, we are going to focus more of our efforts on larger events and local media while branching out from those cities to surrounding areas.

Thus far we are looking at:

  • Seattle
  • Portland
  • Sacramento
  • San Francisco
 From those locations, we plan to go into smaller cities and towns.
As with last year, camping and home stays will be a huge help and we will need donations.

We are still hoping to do this as part of an internship through the college as we did last year, but at this point, we are unsure if we will be working for the same organization as they are unsure if they have the time/energy commitment to make to it :(

Part of our work may become looking for a non-profit willing to hire some unpaid interns willing to do advocacy work and networking for their organization in the form of the Breaking Clean Tour.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions but we are determined to get the word about our nation's need to become more sustainable so we can put an end to mountain top removal and other detrimental forms of fossil fuel extraction. Through telling our story, we hope to connect with a larger audience of people both inside and outside of our typical circles and to work help others with similar struggles.

Lastly, there might be a film component to this tour. If we can come up with the equipment, we'd like to vlog (video log) and make a documentary about the people we meet along the way. Thanks to one of my classes this semester, I'm getting better at filming and editing, and will hopefully do even better following another course in the Spring semester that I'm very excited's an example of my latest mini documentary courtesy of Berea College's Communications and Appalachian Studies Department. If anyone wants to donate some money to our camera equipment fund, we'd much appreciate it! Ask me for details on how to donate.

We learned so much from our last tour through meeting so many wonderful people.

Please stay tuned as this develops!!!

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